About Deborah Green

Deborah Green


Below is a brief insight of my journey from becoming a yoga teacher & the path to becoming a WellBeing Coach.

I first began to practice yoga around 2003/4 and I faced many physical & mental challenges.

I believed yoga was not for me as I was not very flexible and yes, I actually believed that yoga was only for the bendy & I discovered that I was very impatient. The whole idea of just sitting there & breathing & not moving was alien to me.

Surely you have keep moving? Stillness? Really?

But.. I was so drawn to the whole practice. I would be uplifted, relaxed yet energised & I always felt sooo good after I had moved & opened my body, breathed better & released tension.

I kept returning, again & again & each time I returned I felt as though I was finding the real me.

Over the years the most important shift has been in my approach to life & and sense of wellbeing (emotional & mental). My meditation/yoga practice truly supported me during a very low time with PND & again later with perimenopausal depression.

When I was in my mid-forties, I began to feel "different" & I knew I needed support with the changes that were happening from going through the perimenopause. Moving forwards, I have a deep passion to support & help others with understanding changes in their life, especially as you begin to navigate your 40's.

What "got me" through my 20's & 30's is not what has got me through my 40's onwards.

It can be hard, our perspectives change, we can question "what is it all for? " What do I even want?"     

"I am happy?" "what do I want to do with the rest of my life?" "Why am I not feeling fulfilled?"

It was these kind of questions that led me to become a Well-Being Coach with the highly accredited training provider, Chopra.com

I continue to teach yoga classes that bring together some beautiful limbs of yoga (asanas/postures/breath/pranayama, meditation) & feel proud of my growth into a Wellbeing Coach knowing I can offer over 2 decades of experience for anyone who needs support with the challenges  & transitions of life. 

(Other trainings below.)

I am extremely proud to have gained certification with Deepak Chopra's highly respected & accredited training program as a certified Meditation Teacher.

Continuing on from this I studied with a truly wise Meditation Master, Dev Om, who I hope to continue to learn from. I was utterly drawn to his kind character, values and authenticity, gaining a Multi Style Meditation Teacher Certification.

I am proud to have studied with the truly wise Tantric Meditation Teacher & best selling  author Tracee Stanley, gaining L1  Meditation Teacher.

Advanced Yoga Psychology 300 hr "Yoga Psyche Soul" which delves deeper into the emotional & mental health benefits of Yoga.

Sound-Bath Practitioner Diploma accredited with the IPHM 

BSc Psychology - even though I add this, it has had very little baring on my life in comparison to the teachers I've had the privilege of learning from & the teaching of yoga & yoga philosophy. 

My purpose is to support & empower you whether that's in a yoga or meditation, breathing practices or 1.2.1 coaching sessions.

Everything is already within you. 



"Deborah is a beautiful yoga teacher who will take you through a journey to your inner bliss. Her calm and compassionate voice can guide you through even the most difficult asana with ease and send you into a space of divine bliss. Her knowledge of how to align the body will give you so much healing and help you to become stronger and more flexible. Her passion for yoga is unparalleled and her classes are my favourite to attend." - Deanna Foster

"Deborah has everything within her to guide her students towards the wisdom of body with peace of mind through the gratitude of heart, into the depth of their being. Blessings..." Deep Kumar

"I have been attending Deb's yoga classes for approximately 12 years. It is my hour to escape the stresses of the world. With yoga I have improved my posture, core strength and I feel calmer as a person. You may think that I would improve over this time but due to a medical condition I probably haven't! However I continue to attend for my wellbeing and the physical assistance it gives my body. Because of my limitations I adapt poses but this enables me to continue practicing. Deb has the right balance of setting some challenging postures and deep openers and some relaxation time during her sessions. These yoga classes are the best and I would recommend them to all."